Counseling » Freshman Hub

Freshman Hub


The Freshman Hub is designed to help guide our freshmen students and parents through the transition into high school.

Our new student orientation is at QTHS on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

Last names starting A-M: from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Last names starting N-Z: from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

Note that we are unable to offer tours during the school year. Visit our admissions page, career and technical education department, and photo tour to learn more about QTHS.

Here you will find all the required forms that our freshmen families must fill out along with some information for students on how to be a successful 9th grader.


Dear Families: We NEED you to sign up for the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), which is our main form of parent/guardian communication. With this account you can:

  • See your student's grades, attendance, test scores, and more in My Student
  • Take classes in Parent University
  • Report bullying
  • Access forms for your child
  • Reset your child's DOE account password
  • Access SupportHub

If you need an access code or have any problems with this account, please contact your child's school counselor or our Parent Coordinator.

Students can view their grades, attendance, and other important information in TeachHub.


Families must update their emergency contact information in the NYC Schools Account at the start of each school year, and whenever there is a change in this information. Each year, families must also open the Forms section of the NYC Schools Account and complete the required forms.

Note that the CAP and CATCH programs do not require a signature. If you would like to opt out of our CAP and CATCH services, please send us a letter stating that you would like to opt out along with your child's name and OSIS number.

Queens Tech is a career and technical education high school. We offer Advanced Placement courses, honors courses, College Now, as well as tutoring through our partner Sunnyside.

Student schedules are published on TeachHub and the NYC Schools Account after Labor Day.

Remember, a passing grade is a 65+ in high school, but to be competitive for college or work, you want to do the best you can!  And YES, 9th grade does matter and colleges do look at what you were doing in 9th grade.  

Also in high school, if you fail a class, you must repeat it until you pass.  This is usually done in summer school as well as what we call "Extended Day," which is class that is held after your regular school day. Extended Day is only available starting in 10th grade.

Ninth grade is a great time to start learning who you are and what you like to do.  See the links below for some activities we'll be having after school!  And if you're struggling with homework or need help studying, we have tutoring available too.


Clubs and Activities


**College Tip- Any clubs activities you participate in freshmen year you can add to your college resume!  The more activities you do afterschool, the better picture it gives colleges about who you are. Stand out! Join a club!**

**Don't assume that your child is doing well in school just because you see them on a computer. Know for sure!

Check their schedule, grades, and attendance on your NYC Schools Account. Set up a structure for learning at home and when in doubt, contact their teachers or their school counselor. If you need help creating your account please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Blanca Rodriguez, at [email protected] or at ext. 1026.

Ninth-grade school counselors by CTE program: 

If you have any questions about the forms, please send a message to The Freshmen Hub Help Desk here: Freshmen Hub Help Desk

Can I...

  • Get an OMNY Student Pass at orientation? OMNY Student Passes are distributed in lunch on the first day of school.
  • Visit the school for a tour? Tours are offered at orientation, and we have a virtual tour video available on our admissions page. Unfortunately, in-person tours are not available at any other time.

Helpful places...

  • If you need general info: Main Office, Room 104 or the school’s website
  • If you feel sick or have health related questions: Nurse, Room 214
  • If you need help with academics, social/emotional stuff: Guidance, Room 151
  • If you need to print something: Room 155 or 143
  • If you need a student ID: Transportation Office, Room 236
  • If you need an OMNY Student Pass or lunch form: Transportation Office, Room 236
  • If you need to report something: Mr. Alikakos, Room 108; or Guidance, Room 151

Where’s the…

  • Gym is in the basement
  • Cafeteria is on the 2nd floor, Room 234
  • Library is on the 4th floor, Room 455


  • Each room starts with the number of the floor it’s on. For example, if you have English in room 343, that’s located on the third floor.
  • Also, we have two wings that we call the “new wing” and the “old wing.”  The newer side of the building has classrooms that end in bigger numbers, like 351, 444, etc., while the older side of the building has lower numbers such as 101, 207, etc.

Additional Questions?

Now that your child is in high school, what do you need to know for them to be successful at Queens Tech? What about grades, credits, and Regents Exams? How does that work? What do they need to graduate? If you are wondering about any of these questions, please click on the links to the right to watch some informational videos from Assistant Principal Mr. Gallagher.

How To Be a Successful 9th Grader

What 9th Graders Need to Know About Grades and Earning Credits

What 9th Graders Need to Know About Regents Exams

Welcome to the SPARK Program! My name is Ms. Mieses and I am the Queens Technical Substance Abuse Prevention & Intervention Specialist.

Spark was initially created in 1971, as a substance abuse prevention program, but has expanded to address a wide variety of adolescent issues.  Students meet in my groups for both discussions and/ or individual counseling on issues such as: - Family Issues - Academic- Sexuality -Self-Esteem - Peer Relationships-Substance Abuse - Anger Management.  We always have fun with great conversations and hot topic debates. A support group can help you realize that you are not alone in your struggles. You can hear the stories and experiences of others that may open your eyes. Your not the only one that deals with loneliness, depression, family conflict or failing grades. You can gain new perspectives in a support group, accept challenges and begin to make changes. 


When things are extra stressful, it's extra important to take care of yourself-mind, body, and spirit.  We may not be able to play basketball in the park with friends, or join a sports team or club at school this year, but it doesn't mean we should sit on the couch and do nothing (even if that's what we want to do!).  That can often make us feel worse. Here are some ways to help take care of yourself. Remember, a healthy body = a healthy mind = good grades!

In these particularly tough times, many kids and adults are dealing with some tough emotions. Maybe you don't feel as happy as you did before the pandemic, maybe you miss your friends and regular life so much that it upsets you, maybe you even lost a loved one or friend.  You are not alone!  In addition to talking to your counselor, you can also talk to one of our therapists who work at Queens Tech from Western Queens Consultation Center.

If you feel like you need some support, email Ms. Vasquez so she can set it up for you: [email protected]